Friday, July 17, 2009

Single, Fabulous and living in the caribbean

Hi Everyone, people for years have been telling me to write a book about my life.
Im living the dream. Sometimes my dream, sometimes others dreams, either way, I have a pretty amazing life.
I am nobody famous, I came from a middle class family and Im not that exotic. I just believed (Always believe) that whatever you want is out there.
So instead of a book, I've decideed to blog. Now i can write snippets or whole paragraphs, add pictures, and recieve comments.
This blog is for anybody and everybody who has ever had a dream, for anybody who like me said "Just because I was born here doesn't mean I have to live here for the rest of my life" and to all of those who were told by a loved one, family member, teacher, boss ect. "YOU CAN"T DO THAT! YOUR NOT OLD ENOUGH, YOUR NOT SMART ENOUGH, YOUR NOT RICH ENOUGH. YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE SAFE ROUTE".
Well, Im here to tell you that's not true.
Stay turned, to hear more..
Of how I went from a student, to the little career woman, to the traveller, to living and running my own business in the fabuolous Mayan Riviera.


  1. No kidding eh. I was told by my parents that I couldn't do this or do that - I proved them so wrong on everything - that includes blogging.

  2. That's great, I did the same, especially all my friends and co-workers who told me I was crazy. I just started blogging.

